Welcome to Kidos Cabbie: Kids Transport Services
- We've been matching parents with personal lady drivers since 2009.
- We help you choose the right candidate to meet your family's needs.
- Parents get to interview potential drivers and choose someone they are pleased with.
- A back up driver is assigned in case of emergencies or unforseen events.
- Most parents lead busy lives. Knowing that your kids are safe gives you a peace of mind.
We’ve been matching parents with personal lady drivers since 2009 and we are good at it (see our testimonials)
As a parent choosing someone else to drive your children is probably one of the most difficult decisions you will ever make. Kidos Cabbie is here to help you with your decision in choosing the right candidate to meet your family’s needs.
Parents get the opportunity to interview the potential drivers we send them. If a parent is not happy with the driver we sent we will continue to send them alternative drivers until they get someone they are pleased with.
Parents and drivers get to sign a contract of agreement provided by Kidos Cabbie. Kidos Cabbie coordinates between parents and drivers to make sure that both are happy with the service. If there are any queries or concerns that can’t be resolved between parents and drivers, Kidos Cabbie is there to help address the matters.
Due to emergencies or unforeseen events whereby a back up driver is needed Kidos Cabbie is able to help with one of the drivers in their database, our mission it to give the parents the best kids transport service experience. Most parents’ lead busy lives, but knowing that someone is there to help drive your child gives you a peace of mind.
Kidos Cabbie clients are also updated with things like petrol fluctuations, road traffic acts
and child safety tips. We are about service to you as our client.